Greetings, Concerned Citizen!
Here’s your chance to investigate earmarks–those spending measures inserted by members of Congress into bills that direct taxpayer dollars to their pet projects. Are members using earmarks to meet pressing needs? Reward political supporters? Are they good public policy, or vehicles for pure pork? Every earmark is different, and we currently have over 3,000 of them online, ready and waiting for you to dig into.
The research framework we’re providing asks you specific questions about the recipient of the earmark and the member who sponsored it, and provides links to the sources of information you can search for answers.
You will also have an opportunity to provide additional information from your own research. We offer some suggestions and ideas for additional information you can find, but feel free to follow your own instincts.

Educate Yourself
Read about what Earmarks are and how they affect your well-being.

Watch The Government
Watch Government hands and monitor their spending suggestions.

Act On Misspendings
Don't let absurdal spendings be a waste of tax-payers money.
“If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy.”
-Thomas Jefferson
It is the act of setting something aside funds for some projects or for any projects that will come in the future. For example, funds may be earmarked to pay for debt or the salary of the civil servant in case of a country. It’s commonly used to money that have been set aside in order to cater for a specific project; “The Minister of Finance had earmarked 10 billion dollars for a new economy initiative.” The senate and house calls it the provision that is meant for a particular program. The Budget and management office of the White House claims earmarks are meant to help the executive arm of the government to perform its responsibility more effectively. No matter who is given the definition we can’t deny that this earmark has been abuse of recent.


Military Funding

Highway Transportation

National Park Services

Federal Building Constructions

Agricultural Research

Urban Developments
US Contributor’s Money Under Trump Administratio...
2023-01-25// By: EarmarkWatchIf the public money spent on various questionable government programs in the U.S is looked into, thousands and millions of dollar transactions come in the picture. While USD 146 million for upgrading ...
The Mexico Wall And US Taxpayers Money...
2019-04-24// By: EarmarkWatch[caption id="attachment_2342" align="alignright" width="256"] The United State President, Donald Trump.[/caption] The United State President, Donald Trump, is facing serious backlash for proposing ...
The Military Aid Scandal...
2018-05-24// By: EarmarkWatchFunding the United Nation For years, the United States spends lots of funds supporting the United Nations military. By doing so, the United Nations effectively use the funds to balance out countrie...
Earmark: Government Won’t Fund Research On Gun V...
2017-12-14// By: EarmarkWatch"Fund Research On Gun Violence" Gun violence has posed a serious threat to the security of individuals. Starting from the big Orlando shooting to the recent Las Vegas attack, the flaws in arms con...
Earmarks, Definition and Importance in Economics...
2017-11-14// By: EarmarkWatchThe act of setting something aside funds for some projects or for any projects that will come in the future. For example, funds may be earmarked to pay for debt or the salary of the civil servant in c...
CAGW : An Organization To Eliminate Waste In The F...
2017-10-15// By: EarmarkWatchKnown by its abbreviation CAGW stands for Citizen Against Government Waste. It was founded in 1984 and since then has been known for fighting against wastage of public funds in government spending. It...
Here, we are going to showcase you a few of public and private projects that’s been marked with Questionable stamp. We won’t be judging them though. It’s up to you. We are just sharing!
Sis Loves Me – one of not many adult projects (privately funded) that launched back in 2016 is still operating today. With over 200 episodes you are going to spend hours discovering this worldwide trend of step siblings intimate situations. With Sis Loves Me you get the very best and the most exclusive content. For free.