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US Contributor’s Money Under...

US Contributor’s Money Under Trump Administration – A Matter Of Concern

If the public money spent on various questionable government programs in the U.S is looked into, thousands and millions of dollar transactions come in the picture. While USD 146 million for upgrading flight tickets to business class for federal employees seems jaw-dropping, USD 96 thousand for iPads for kindergarten kids of Maine sets a whole new height of money laundering! A U.S contributor would obviously be highly concerned about such unnecessary transactions and here are a few instances of misuse of public funds by Trump Administration appointees –


Scott Pruitt

Scott Pruitt

Scott Pruitt –Tax-Payer Funded Travelling And Questionable Spending

Scott Pruitt, former administrator of Environmental Protection Agency resigned on 5th July after being alleged for spending decisions, US contributor-funded travel and even using aides for personal errands. When analyzed, it was found that USD 4,448,247 was spent by him in 2017, including USD 3,500,000 for 24×7 security service, USD 164,200 for his and his staff’s Italy trip, USD 43,000 for the installation of soundproof telephone booth, USD 3,000 for hidden audio device in his office, USD 2,750 for Tactical pants and USD 1,560 for Tactical polos for the staff.


Ryan Zinke

Ryan Zinke

Ryan Zinke –Extravagant Travelling, Questionable Political Activity

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke resigned from his post in January after being investigated for at least 8 federal investigations regarding his travel, conflicts of interest and political activities. From using private jets for travelling to spending USD 12,375 for charter flight after delivering speech for a campaign contributor’s hockey team –Zinke tried to justify all his spending and even said that after 30 years of service, he would defend himself as well as his family against the false allegations.


Tom Price

Tom Price

Tom Price –Questionable Investments As Georgia Congressman

The former Human and Health Services Secretary, Tom Price came into limelight for his wasteful money laundering on terms of chartered flights. According to the investigation, he spent nearly USD 456,785 for chartered aircraft from which, if his repayment of USD 51,887 and the average commercial cost of USD 71,885 is subtracted, USD 333,013 was wasted for his personal use. In only 7 months of office, he wasted nearly USD 341,000 for charter flights and even divested USD 631,000 to join Trump Administration before starting his alleged insider trading.


Ben Carson

Ben Carson

Ben Carson –Exceeding Budget For Office Decoration

Urban And Housing Development Secretary Ben Carson earned rave media coverage for his cancellation of a dinner set order that cost USD 31,561 for redecoration of the office in Washington. Apparently, the order itself was criticized as the expense was about 5,000 USD more than what was the limit for redecoration of office.



Steven Mnuchin

Steven Mnuchin

Steven Mnuchin –Costly Trips And Using Military Aircraft

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was found to use military aircrafts during eight of his trips in 2017 which cost around 1 million US Dollars of the US Contributor’s money. Although the inspector general of the department did not call it violation of laws and Mnuchin pointed out disconnection between standard of proofs and actual proofs, the amount surely is huge for any tax payer. He used USD 301,000 Germany trip, USD 314,000 for Italy trip, USD 45,000 for Miami trip, USD 95,000 FOR Las Vegas and West Virginia trip and USD 184,000 for trips to UAE, Saudi, Qatar, Israel and Bahrain.


Brock Long

Brock Long

Brock Long –Using Government Vehicle For Private Jobs

Administrator of Federal Emergency Management Agency, Brock Long is under investigation by Homeland Security regarding his use of government vehicles to travel from the capital to his hometown Hickory in North Carolina. With regular trips to Hickory and his staff members staying in local hotels, it is to be seen whether he justifies his deeds and come out with flying colors from investigation.

Ever since the Trump administration has spread its branches and President Donald Trump has set up his legacy, the controversies and allegations have never left him, his family engaged with his empire, his appointees and also the associates and advisers from outside. It is only concerning to see the contributor’s money being embezzled or misused at such extent.

RodsRoom – Golden Example of Private Spending Funds


RodsRoom – privately funded gay entertainment project.

Gay entertainment continues to grow in 2023 and its newest production called RodsRoom should cater to all lovers of intimate and high end gay content. Why? Because Michael Vegas project manager and director behind the lens is all about giving models the freedom to record their own interpretation of good video content. While it’s often not an easy task to do, it is surely a nice change from all this scripted (yet still very interesting) kind of entertainment. All that funded by private funds, for society entertainment needs – the way it should be done!

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